
schiy(桑琛),1981 年出生于湖北,已婚并且有一个可爱的女儿,目前在深圳努力并坚持着。

我目前的工作以 UI 设计为主,包括软件、游戏和 Web 页面设计。业余时间会设计一些主题,例如 WordPress 主题和输入法皮肤。

《FLY》电子杂志是由我创办的视觉类电子杂志,从 2005.5.6 到 2008.9.19 共发行 12 期,由于个人精力有限,目前《FLY》属于休刊状态。

这个主题是我设计的自用主题,由 zwwooooo 帮我制作并添加了很多量身定制的功能,由于是自用主题所以暂不提供下载。如果你喜欢我的设计,可以到这里看看我设计的免费主题,也许有你喜欢的。如果你需要一款独特的主题,也可以考虑付费找我定制,下面有我的联系方式。

Who Am I?
I’m schiy, Born in Hubei in 1981, Married and have a clever daughter, Now working diligently and insisted in Shen Zhen.

What Am I Doing?
UI design, including software, game and web page design. Design some themes in spare time, such as WordPress theme and input methods skin.

What Is “FLY” ?
“FLY” is a vision electron magazine created by me, which totally have 12 issues created from 2005.5.6 to 2008.9.19, then stopped as my limited energy, “FLY” is sleeping at present.

About This Theme
This theme is for my selves, that zwwooooo provided many useful functions to fit me, so it cannot be download.. If you like my design, you can go to here to get my free theme. If you want more unique ones, you can contact with me for a reasonable payment, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Contact Me

回复 Jackwen ¬

  1. HOHO~~偶来看过了

    1. 嗯哼,多来逛逛^_^

  2. zww大婶经常提你啊

  3. 首页novi slider支持ie6 7 8不

  4. 使用了你的主题 顺便把开发者去了。。。 加了友情链接 望不要介意

    有一个问题是 主题主页文章显示数在后台设置成3了 可还是显示4篇 不知是否和主题有关

    1. 请把友情链接也去掉吧。

      1. 好吧 我在加上 我只是先征求一下

        1. 不用征求,大家做免费主题不容易,保留个链接算是对作者的支持,让我们对国内本来就不好的风气不会更加失望。

  5. 速度很快啊,是国内的主机吗?

    1. 国外的。

  6. 主题好看!

  7. Hello,

    First of all let me tell you how much we appreciate and respect what you do on WordPress.org. Great job, keep it up.
    I am the co-founder of a new wp theme shop called ThemeFuse.

    The reason I’m writing is to ask you if you would be interested in joining our cool affiliate program where
    you will earn 30% of every theme sold if you spread the word about our wp themes. We already have a couple of
    partnerships going with plugin developers from WP.org and things are going great for them. We thought to contact
    some of the top theme designers and try the same with them. Here’s one example from one of the plugins promotions: http://themefuse.com/images/plugin_page_example.jpg

    Check out our website and themes, let us know if this partnership is something that you might be interested in and we’ll
    pick it up from there with the rest of details.

    You can read more about the affiliate program here http://themefuse.com/wp-themes-affiliate-program/

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to read our email.

    All the best,
    Dimitrie Baitanciuc
    ThemeFuse Co-Founder.

    1. Thank you.
      I will see your website later and tell you my idea.

  8. 我爱375~~~~~~娃哈哈……

    1. 375也会爱你的。。。

  9. 关注你的博客有段时间了,现在自己有做一个收藏夹,其中有一个你的链接:http://www.thefrist.info/link

  10. 博主,我想咨询下您的主机是哪的,我想换主机了,我的慢死了。

    1. 米国的。

  11. 有没有时间做一个小网站。

  12. 很漂亮的主题,虽然知道没啥希望,不过还是想和博主换个友链,不知道可以不可以?

    1. 嗯呐,Blog的内容取向有点不合适,所以就不链了。

  13. 博主的博客好清新啊!赞一个!

    1. 嗯呐,谢谢你的建议。

  14. 发现您设计了很多漂亮的主题,我没使用您的主题,站点www。bbpresschina。com,能跟贵站换个友链不?

  15. 收藏了质的一览的博客!